Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New year! xxx

Happy NEW Year!!
I want to thank all the new followers I have a pray you'll have a wonderful year!
Are you joining in the give away? This year its on Facebook.com maybe next year I'll have enough followers to host it on here! Thanks one of my goals :0)
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Free picture collage created with Smilebox

Welcome to the NEW YEAR Giveaway! I hope you all are having a fun day! I want to thank everyone that voted for the prizes you wanted to win! This got the highest votes...

1st place One free hat
2nd place Buy one hat one free
3rd place One hat half off
As a THANK YOU for all my new fans all orders placed during this giveaway, now till Jan 5th, will receive 13% off your whole order!

SO here are the RULES to ENTER in :0P

1) You need to be a fan of my page.
2) Go though my albums and share at least one of your favorite pictures PLUS tag my business in the status so I can see it and I can mark it down OR comment below on this original, new years photo, of the picture you shared.
AND Please go through my page and like your favorite pictures I've done this year and just for fun answer this question..
WHAT is my all time favorite color since I was a teeny tiny little girl? comment below this picture!! And remember to have fun and invite your friends to join in! :0)

TADA!! its that simple!

Thank you all my new fans and I wanted to say THANK YOU to My Lil Britches Photography who helped me getting all these photos of my hats and made my page look less of a hot mess :0)

Enjoy and SHARE SHARE SHARE! xxx

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