Saturday, December 22, 2012

Busy House with Two Toddlers

Welcome! I'm finally able to sit down and post a little info on me and get the ball rolling here. FYI If you havent checked out my other web pages please do Here, my facebook page that has the most updated crochet pictures, or you can follow me on my pinterest  too. Soon I'll get caught up on here.

As I'm writing this post my wonderful hubby is entertaining the children by playing a Gangnam Style video, which is completely and utterly hilarious to me because they are bouncing and baby talk singing along with the song. For me its a race against time to say what I have to say (oh the horror) j/k and not get distracted...again lol! anywho...    
I'm a mom of two kiddies Sissy who's 19 months and BB who is...well he'll be 3 in Feb and I'm a military wife stationed in Minot AFB, North Dakota. Its been a challenge with the 7+ months of winter here and probably one of the many reason I started this small crochet business. So thank you Minot and I hope you'll be a great memory one day...soon ;) 
I'm one of the few who turned her hobby into a business and I love my work! For many years I would crochet a baby blanket and would only get half of it done, and soon found out I should not be judged by my lack of crochet blankets! I don't know who the judger was LOL but I started something small and worked up to where I am know. I started my business last year in 2011 working with local photographers then once I started getting request I have bump up to custom orders which happened this past summer around the 4th of July when I created a cute forth of july... I still don't know what to call!
Every month I do a sneak peek where I try to be sneaky and post a close up of one of my orders where you get only one guess, to guess what it is the winner, and first one will get a discount on what ever they want. Its really fun and one of the highs of the month :0) Also doing a New Years Giveaway but I'll post about that soon.
My plan in the near future is to get a few of my crochet patterns tested out and put up out there in the vast world wide web and as I get a few more orders finished I'll post what I've done. So bear with me in my ramblings and horrible organization skills, I swear I do have them! I'm assuming a few of you have done this, as I am, so any pointers, salutations or advice for me? 
Enjoy the holiday as I will in my Busy House with Two Toddlers xxx!

Merry Christmas and please pray with me for those that wont have their loved ones with them.
And speaking of that if you want to join in and make granny squares, these will be stitched for the CT families... HERE is there link. 

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