Saturday, February 2, 2013

The LOVE month!

February this year looks to be the month for giveaways and sharing the love! Its the best month out of the year not for the weather, as there is still feet of snow outside my window, but its my birthday month! And honestly what better way then for me to share the love 
too! I have donated to each of these so if you want to
     win or bid on my handmade hats now is the time!! lol

Mad Mad Me 7777 fans Starts Feb 1st 
This will continue on till she gets up to 7777 fans! Sweeet!  As of right now there are 76 prizes and all you have to do with Facebook giveaways is like the page you want to enter in :)
Plus most of her giveaways are on her blog 

 The Benefit Auction for Kanadie by The Chunky Hooker
Kenadie is a 3 year old little girl born with a very rare medical issue. She has already went though heart failure and surgery. 
She has total autonomic  dysfunction with enlarged mitochondria plus  primary immunodeficiency disease. Insurance only pays for part for her medical bills.

 Simply Smurphy Fundraising
At my 800 fan mark I decided to join this fundraiser. 
Simply Smurphy started this the moment she found out her friend, Stephanie young mother, has Stage 3  breast cancer and Stage 4 Bone cancer. 
She found out right before Thanksgiving so this year was hard for her family and her two children also. The link for the auction is here Come help Stephanie! and here is her page for moral support
Thank you! 

1500 Fan Appreciation Simply Stitched by Sheri Anne Starts Feb 1st
Who doesn't want to have some fun! Pick ME! There are 22 vendors for this event All amazing stuff!

Even if you don't to join in Please share and look at all the beautiful handmade items. I'm really in awe...

If your just reading this and its not Feb you still have a chance to win in the 
The Crochet Barn 7,000 Fan Giveaway

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